Creating a Product Prototype

After inspiration strikes and an idea is born the first step in inventing is to construct a three-dimensional prototype. For many entrepreneurs and inventors, this is one of the most fun and rewarding parts about their work. Building a prototype brings creativity to life, giving it legs and turning ideas into reality.

There are a variety of ways to create a product prototype ranging from toothpicks and glue in a garage to full blown engineering inside a machine shop. Building a prototype offers several advantages for both manufacturing or selling a new creation as a license to a larger organization. 

Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of creating a product prototype.


The first advantage of building a prototype is that it will let you see its functionality in real life. This can be helpful in shedding light on what works, what doesn’t work, and what can be fixed through redesign. Giving functionality to a design through building a prototype also allows you to see which working functions can be improved, and even additional functions that were not previously considered.


Testing a prototype is the best way to see all that it can - and cannot - do. Does it achieve the ultimate goal you envisioned? If not, how can it be redesigned it so that it does achieve this goal? Building and testing a prototype is the best way to discover any issues. The feeling of success when your design comes to practical and useful fruition, solving the problem you hoped it would solve, is one you will never forget.

Effective Product Description

Have you ever had an idea that you are sure would be a hit, but you don’t know how to accurately describe what it will do? Building your product prototype will solve this problem. When you bring your creation to life in usable fashion, you will be able to accurately describe what your product does and how it could be used by prospective buyers and investors.

You Mean Business

When you show up with a functional prototype in-hand to meetings with investors or prospective buyers of your invention, that lets them know that you mean business. It shows that you took the necessary steps to prepare and deliver the product you said you would create with a real-life demonstration.

Get to Building (Momentum) 

Ready to build the product prototype you have envisioned? Come build it with Building Momentum. We offer the tools you need to bring your creation to life and the experienced consulting you need if things go sideways (that aren’t supposed to). We also offer private welding classes to get you up-to-speed when your product prototype calls for fusing metal.

We offer all this and more inside our multi-purpose co-working space, The Garden. Contact us today to get started towards building your product prototype.
