Disaster Resilience Challenge

Duration: 5-8 hours
Pricing: Starts at $550/per person
Offsite Available: Yes

Gear up for a thrilling team building event that combines learning, innovation, and adrenaline-pumping action! In this immersive experience, you and your colleagues will step into the shoes of disaster response experts. Throughout the day, you'll master essential skills to tackle real-world crises. 

Get your hands dirty as you learn the art of soldering to assemble solar panels and construct field phones. With expert guidance, you'll harness the power of renewable energy and communication tools, essential for staying connected during emergencies. Learn the basics of coding and piloting drones, transforming them into lifelines for delivering crucial supplies to disaster-stricken areas. Team up with your colleagues to design efficient routes and ensure accurate drops. 

The Disaster Resilience Challenge is more than just a team building event – it's an opportunity to showcase innovation, adaptability, and camaraderie under pressure. Get ready to take on the unexpected and emerge stronger together!