The Sky is Not the Limit (Drones)

Duration: 2-4 hours
Pricing: Starts at $150/per person
Offsite Available: May be offered offsite in locations with enough safe, vertical space

Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird… no, it’s a plane! No… it’s an engaging and effective team building experience! “The Sky is Not the Limit” is the perfect Innovation Elevated offering for anyone who feels like their team has been hovering in one place. 

You won’t hear our certified facilitators droning on and on – participants will be jumping straight into the action with a customized selection of drone challenges and activities. All our drone options include a competitive aspect and require efficient strategy with more than a little trust!  

Our certified facilitators will assist teams as they pilot their way through hoops—avoiding obstacles and speeding through complicated turns while relying on information from other team members.

After the results are tallied up and winners announced, Build Mo will facilitate a brief Retrospective where participants reflect on their experience with their peers.