Viking Skeeball

Duration: 6-8 hours
Pricing: Starts at $550/per person
Offsite Available: No

Are your employees always at war with themselves? Want to forge a team stronger than any other? Well get them ready to catapult into “Viking Skeeball”! Your team dynamics will be put to the test, enhanced, and honed with an exhilarating challenge of engineering and strategy. This is Skeeball like you’ve never seen it before… yep, we’re talking about catapults! 

Participants will learn about welding as they are outfitted with all the necessary safety equipment. In addition to a welding demonstration, they will also learn how to use abrasive saws, angle grinders, and other metal/wood working tools and techniques from our expert instructors. Then the challenge begins!  

Our certified facilitators will guide teams as they work together to design and fabricate catapults from metal and wood. These viking-esque devices will launch large bean bags into buckets across a parking lot. The farther the launch, the more points awarded! Strategic design, inter-team communication, iterative testing, and time management are all needed to succeed. 

After a Skeeball battle worthy of Valhalla and some awards, Build Mo will facilitate our Retrospective where participants reflect on their actions and experiences.